Media Studies 3:Coursework Research:Titles and Texts

When thinking about my individual research investigation I have come up with a list of potential titles that would fit the type of research that I plan on undergoing. The main bulk of my research is going to be based upon representations shown within the texts.

My list of potential titles are :

1) The representation of men within silent films
2) The representation of Charlie Chaplin's characters within his films
3) How do the representations of men within silent films compare to each other?
4) How does Charlie Chaplin represent his male characters?
5) Looking at the representations of men within my three chosen texts
6) The way in which Charlie Chaplin represents his male characters
7) Do silent films portray the stereotypical view of men?
8) How well do silent films show the stereotypical view of men?
9) Evaluate(ing) the way in which Charlie Chaplin portrays his males’ characters within my two/three chosen texts. 

For my coursework I have decided to look at 2 different texts that relate to my individual research title. Only using 2 texts gives me the option of watching and analyzing then in depth and gives me the advantage of being able to stick closely to my chosen title. 

1) Charlie Chaplin: The Champion
2)A Woman Of Paris - Written and Directed by Charlie Chaplin

I chose Charlie Chaplin:The Champion because this film has a range of different representations of men e.g. the difference between the two main protagonists and the fact that the whole film is centered around men is a 'must' for my research investigation. Another factor is that it is a Chaplin film which makes this a famous film and suitable for my research into silent films. 

Even though,as the title suggests, my second text, A Woman of Paris,is based on the love life of a young woman,it also has its fair share of male representations which are helpful to me as they stand out within the film which is dominated by the female protagonist. Another reason I chose this text is because it is the first and only drama that Charlie Chaplin every directed. 

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