Media Studies 3: Coursework: Filming Schedule

As the time for filming is getting nearer , as groups we need to make a filming schedule that is ours to keep.This means that we need a list of certain details that are the biggest parts of the filming process. One of the main diffficulties with making a filming schedule is making sure that all of the actors are available on the filming days. Below is the list that Vicky and I have come up with that allows us to create our production piece in the shortest amount of time,which gives us more time to edit the production.
Vicky and I got together and drew up a small list of days etc that we would be able to film on.

Filming the different scenes within a week or two, including bloopers, this allows us to collect the footage we need, but also gives us time at the ending of the editing process to go out and film again if necessary.

1) Location
* Cycle Path/Quiet Street
*Ponty-Pool Park
*School Library
*School Canopy

2) Time of Day
* Morning
* Midday/Afternoon

3) Days
* Monday - After 3rd lesson
* Tuesday- 1st and 2nd lesson
*Lunch Times on a Tuesday and Thursday
*Media lessons -if essential
* Weekends- if essential
*During Half Term- if essential

4) Timescale- Filming
* 1-2 days for Park scenes
*1-2 days for cycle path/quiet street scenes 
* Park Play ground - swings 

This list may just seem that very general, however after con-firing with the actors we have all come up with suitable times thatis suited to everyone's schedules. 
Depending on the location, whilst filming we have to account for :
*Time to set up equipment
* Time to get to the location 
*Time to film the whole scene - including the bloopers. 
*How long the weather will last
*Costume changes for the actors
The days of filming will also depend on the weather as the scenes for our films require sunny/mild days. 

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