Before starting to film our production piece, as a group we need to create some sort of storyboard to help us understand the layout of the film and the type of shots that we will need to use. This will also help us to film in parts/scenes. Using the same podcast author as before, as a class we were given a range of youtube links that would help us to decide on different shot types and the types of editing that we could use to help construct our story boards.
Camera Shots
There are 4 different links for the types of camera shots. This tells me that there are a range of different camera shots/movements to choose from, which means that as a group we have to choose carefully on what types of shot will create the effect that we want within our production. All of the links follow on from each other and are around 4-18 minutes long each.
The first link talking about framing ,composition and movement within a moving image. From this podcast I learnt different names for the same type of shot e.g. establishing shot could also be called a wide shot or master shot. I also found the 180 degree rule whilst filming interesting as it helps to understand how you would film a particular shot and also what type of shot it would be. The podcast also goes through a demonstration of a steady cam;how it works, what its mostly used for and what effect it has.
The second link carries on from the framing and composition and talks about shot scale and the meaning of the image.This mostly includes the types of shots and what is included in them. Most of the shots I have already, but it was interesting to find out why the images are used and how to differentiate between shots that look similar.
Looking at the 3rd and 4th pod casts they follow on from the previous podcast talking about the different types of shots;just as before. The last podcast also goes into detail on deep focus/depth of field which I had never heard of before.
There is only one link for the types of editing. The podcast works as a slideshow that gives the names of the editing and a quick and simple definition. At the end of some definitions there are few questions that make you think about the type of shot transition and what effect it would have on the production.
The non-digetic voice over gives more information to the definitions and also gives a little bit of history about the types of editing and other names for the same type of edit.
From listening to this podcast I have learnt that there are a few similar editing types but that they give the audience a completely different meaning or understanding of what is shown within the scene. I also learnt a few new editing types such as crosscutting and wipe.
Overall after listening to all of the pod casts I have found that, even though I knew most of the shot types/movements/editing, there is a lot more detail to go into and that it isn't just as simple as film a number of shots and call it a film/trailer.
If you would like to listen to the podcasts yourself, the links are listed below.
Camera -
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